Therefore, it is not possible to give a general definition of this term.
Therefore, it is not possible to give a general definition of this term.
Knowledge of the laws of logic can reduce the number of errors, thereby improving our thinking, and hence more successful activities in any area of public and private life.
The law of identity – this law requires certainty of thinking, prohibits vagueness, chaotic expression of thoughts, thereby contributing to the accuracy and clarity. The law of identity has practical significance in all cases when it comes to the correctness of the discussion, the effectiveness of the discussion of important issues, the correct presentation of opinions in the text.
The law of contradiction – this law reflects the fundamental feature of the existence of objects and phenomena. Nothing can have these and opposite signs in the same sense. Thus, this law expresses an extremely important feature of correct thinking – its consistency. He forbids contradiction, considers it a gross logical error. In logic 1984 short summary, it is common to say that contradiction is the carrier of the necessary error. Therefore, people who think contradictory, regardless of their intentions, use misconceptions.
The law of the exclusive third – of the two conflicting opinions expressed about the same thing and in the same sense, one is necessarily true. To clarify the content of this law, it should be emphasized that it, unlike the law of contradiction, does not provide for any third statement that could occupy a middle position and be true.
Law of sufficient grounds – in accordance with the law of sufficient grounds, any true opinion must be substantiated by other opinions, the truth of which is proven. Unlike the three previous laws, the specific formulation and detailed interpretation of this law belong to the eminent German logician, philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibzig. In accordance with this law, no phenomenon can exist, no statement can be considered true without reason.
Laws of material logic – mathematical logic was created through the use of methods of mathematics and a special symbolic apparatus in traditional logic. Within the mathematical logic of thinking is investigated by means of formalized languages. In one of the sections of mathematical logic – the logic of expressions – the laws of logic are considered as schemes of true complex expressions. Instead of simple expressions, they include variable expressions or symbols. If we substitute any simple expressions in their place, we get a truly complex expression.
In mathematical logic, a logical operation is understood as the process of constructing from elementary statements. In traditional logic, operations such as comparison, abstraction, generalization, restriction, and a number of others are considered.
A concept is a form of thinking in which the most essential, general, distinctive properties of things are synthesized. The formation of concepts has taken place and is taking place on the basis of signs. Signs are how one concept differs from another. Each concept has a certain number of features. The most important of them are the essential features, ie those without which this concept does not exist and which reflect the nature of things. The rest of the signs are insignificant, secondary.
Comparison – a logical action by which the similarity and difference of things on certain grounds.
Analysis – the division, separation in thinking of things or phenomena into individual elements, relationships, features, which are then considered as part of a dismembered whole.
Synthesis is the combination in thinking of parts of a thing that has been decomposed as a result of analysis, it is the establishment of the relationship and interaction of parts and knowledge of the thing or phenomenon as a whole. Synthesis is not a simple sum of parts or features. In the process of synthesis, we learn something new, the interaction of parts, which makes a thing a certain living whole.
Abstraction – selection in thinking of separate signs, properties or relations of a thing and their separation from other signs, properties, relations.
Logical operation – action, as a result of existing thoughts, new thoughts are formed.
Judgment is an opinion that reveals the connection between objects and their features through affirmation or denial. If a sentence is a grammatical category, then a judgment is a logical category. It is believed that judgments are expressed through narrative sentences.
The structure of the judgment uses three components:
Subject (denoted by the Latin letter (); Predicate (denoted by the Latin letter (); Connection.
The subject is the part of the judgment that indicates the subject of the thought.
A predicate is a part of a judgment that indicates the attributes attributed to the subject.
A conjunction is a part of a judgment that indicates the relationship between a subject and a predicate. The conjunction can be affirmative, expressing with the word "is" or negative, expressing with the word "is not".
A general judgment is a judgment in which the presence of a feature in the whole class of objects is asserted or denied.
A partial judgment is a judgment in which the characteristics of certain objects of a certain class are asserted or denied.
A single judgment is a judgment in which one object of a certain class is asserted or denied.
The quality of judgment is divided into:
Affirmative; I object.
An affirmative judgment is a judgment in which the presence of a feature in an object is asserted.
A negative judgment is a judgment in which the presence of a sign in the object is denied.
The term "judgment" is usually used in traditional logic. At the present stage of development of logical knowledge, the term "statement" is common. In logic, various types of statements are studied. Therefore, it is not possible to give a general definition of this term.
Judgment is a form of thinking in which something is asserted or denied about objects and phenomena, their properties, connections and relationships, and which has the ability to express truth or error.
The linguistic form of judgment is a sentence. However, not every sentence can be considered an expression of judgment. If the content of a sentence can determine whether what is said in it is true or false, then it is indeed linguistically consistent with the judgment. This function is performed by a narrative sentence. This does not mean that other forms of sentences, in particular, interrogative and exclamatory, are devoid of logical meaning. They have their own logical characteristics, but they are not related to true or false.
It should be realized that a judgment is a logical form and a sentence is a grammatical form. There are significant differences between them. Sentences are very inadequately expressed in different languages, even within one language the content of the same thought is transmitted differently, while their logical structure is identical. Judgment is a form of thinking, ideal by nature, and a sentence is a material expression of judgment.
All judgments can be divided into simple and complex. Features of complex judgments are discussed below. Let’s analyze various simple judgments, concerning complex we will note so far only that, they consist of simple.
The quality of judgments is their feature, which indicates the presence or absence of a sign, property, a certain state or relationship.
The main types of complex judgments are 5:
conjunction weak disjunction strict disjunction implication equivalence.
A conjunction is a complex judgment in which two or more simple judgments are joined by a logical conjunction "and". The symbol of the conjunctive judgment is ^.
Disjunction – A complex judgment in which two or more simple judgments are joined by a logical conjunction "or". There are two types of disjunction: weak and severe.
Weak – is a disjunction that excludes the truth of simple judgments that are part of it.
Strict – is a disjunction in which the conjunction "or" combines simple expressions that cannot be true or false at the same time.
Implication is a complex proposition in which two simple judgments are combined with each other by means of the positional conjunction "if … then". Implication is an expression of various forms of connections of the objective world: spatial, temporal, causal, etc. In the language there is a variety of expressions of this propositional conjunction: "when… then" "provided…" "if… then". Implicit may not be expressed by a linguistic conjunction.
Equivalence is a complex proposition in which two simple ones are connected by a logical conjunction "if and only if … then".
Logic is the science of the laws, forms, and methods of thinking aimed at knowing the objective world around us.
The laws of thought are the necessary essential, stable, recurring connections between thoughts in the process of thinking and reasoning about the objects of the objective world.
In the laws of logic, the centuries-old experience of human activity, these laws reflect the relationship between phenomena and objects of objective activity. Logical laws are universal. Observance of the laws of logic is a necessary condition for achieving truth in the knowledge of laws, terms and provides lawyers with the correctness of mental activity, thinking.
Identical features are those which, despite the changes that constantly occur in objects and phenomena, retain their definiteness.
The law of identity is formulated as follows – every objectively true and logically correct opinion or concept about a particular subject must be defined and retain its uniqueness throughout the reasoning and conclusion. This is directed against their ambiguity, vague, vague opinions, the law does not allow chaos of opinions. He requires that the opinion be formulated, clearly, of course, be defined by content
Contradiction is a philosophical category that expresses the internal source of any development, movement, change, transition to a new quality. There are objective and subjective contradictions
Objective judgments – which are related to the nature of objects and phenomena.
Subjective judgments – arise in human thinking.
The law of contradiction is formulated as follows – can not be simultaneously true two opposing views on the same subject in the same sense.
The law of the exclusive third applies to two cases.
This is when two judgments are in a relationship, then one judgment is always true and the other is false.
This is when the subject of thought opposite to the judgments is the same subject.
The law of the exclusive third does not indicate which of the two contradictory judgments will be true in its content, this issue is decided by practice, but the third is not given.